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  • A review of scientific article

    Published under category: Essay Writing Tips | 2014-10-05 15:55:31 UTC

    Context: Biology

    1. Locate two primary literature articles about life histories of organisms in nature or the genus Helianthus. 2. The first article is one that you download as a PDF file (an electronic article through the library’s databases) and printed. 3. The second article you need is one that you would inter-library loan. You will need the entire citation for the article. Download an inter-library loan request form from the library’s webpage and enter the necessary information onto the form--bring the filled-in interlibrary loan form to class. 4. Each article is worth 4 pts. Attaching this sheet to the article and interlibrary loan form is...

  • Engineering research paper

    Published under category: Writing Ideas | 2014-10-05 12:09:29 UTC

    Context: Engineering marketing and economics

    1. Research and discuss the concept of Lean Manufacturing. What aspects make it different from a push system. 2. Research and discuss Toyota's manufacturing practices (in terms of Just in Time production and Lean, etc). Also research and discuss Walmart's inventory policies. Why do you think this model makes the two companies successful? RESEARCH PAPER WRITING IN ENGINEERING When writing research papers in such a subject it is important to know that the field is wide and subjects such as economics, cost effectiveness, and production line logistics are necessary. Therefore, your professor may choose to ask a question that se...

  • How to write a pretend interview

    Published under category: Ordering Custom Papers | 2014-10-05 10:57:11 UTC

    Context: Interviews and surveys

    You are to do a pretend interview, where you will learn from an adult educator about how he or she designs and facilitates group work. Make the most of it by planning carefully and refining your interview skills. You are to write an essay addressing the following key points: The adult educator name The setting and context of the adult educator’s practice Adult educator's role The adult learners with whom the educator works (who they are, experience they bring, strengths, challenges, etc.) Advice or strategies for planning effective group work Advice or strategies for facilitating content effectively Your reflections...

  • A report on desalination in california

    Published under category: Writing Ideas | 2014-10-05 10:16:53 UTC

    Context: Academic report writing

    Professor’s instructions: This progress report will be 3-pages, double-spaced, and should be broken up into 3 parts: literature summary, work accomplished, work planned. In this first progress report you may mostly have literature to report. Work accomplished and work planned sections are fairly self-explanatory. In the "literature summary" sections I would like for you to summarize the key sources that you have read. In the most recent lecture I covered some strategies for summarizing literature. By going through this process now, you will save a lot of time later while putting together your Project Report. The progress reports are inten...

  • Report writing on Carrefour Management Strategies

    Published under category: Academic Paper Writing | 2014-10-05 00:10:04 UTC

    Context: Report writing on large or fortune 500 companies

    Introduction: Carrefour is a French retailer operating in several countries in the world. Its biggest markets are situated in Asia and South America. However, the country operates outlets in Europe, particularly France. Several strategies have made Carrefour’s success possible. On the other hand, the company also suffers some problems that threaten its dominance in the retail business. In general, Carrefour has been one of the most successful retailers in the twentieth and the twenty-first centuries. 1. How is a strategic plan defined and what examples can you provide the board from your chosen company? A Strategic plan is a detai...

  • Nursing Philosophy essay

    Published under category: Writing Help Convenience | 2014-10-04 23:35:27 UTC

    Context: Nursing Ethics and philosophy

    I was born In1972 in a conservative society in a third world country. This society, which had its functions divided according to traditional ideologies and culture, had great influence on my perspective of life while growing up. My culturally oriented belief was that women were not meant to have professional ambitions in prestigious careers. Thus, they were supposed to be limited to those professions that were considered to be of little importance in the society. Nursing was one of those professions I considered reserved for women. When I visited a hospital one day to have a wound treated, I experienced a life-changing event. A male nur...

  • A picture analysis essay

    Published under category: Custom Writing | 2014-10-03 22:10:04 UTC

    Context: Art, sculpture and Picture analysis

    James River Engravings: The colored picture showing the burning port of Richmond has several contrasting colors. The background is painted in shades of orange while the foreground has the shades of grey and a little color blue. The contrast between the bright colors in the background and the dark colors in the foreground implies that the smaller bright objects in the background are further than the bold dark objects in the foreground. The width of the river separates the two contrasting banks. However, the bridge and the impressions on it indicate that there is a movement from the bright bank to the dark one. The impression of distance i...

  • ISIS: An essay on ISIS in Syria and Iraq

    Published under category: Essay Writing Tips | 2014-10-02 14:12:41 UTC

    Context: International affairs and foreign policy

    Islamic state in Syria and Iraq is a militant group that goes by an alias Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant, ISIL. It is a fundamentalist group that claims leadership of all Muslims in the world. For this reason, this militant group operates in disregard of borders. ISIS has an expanding territory stretching across Iraq and Syria, which it has declared a caliphate. ISIS leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is a former senior operative in the parent organization al-Qaeda, an establishment known for its violent campaigns against western powers, especially the United States. Today ISIS is a formidable fundamentalist group, whose growth was aided b...

  • Research paper on Managerial Control Systems

    Published under category: Writing Help Convenience | 2014-10-02 14:09:32 UTC

    Context: Business management

    1. Identify and explain the strategic direction of the organization: For a firm to achieve its goals, it has to develop a strategy for dealing with the various challenges in the business environment. The management draws this strategy, and it takes into consideration all players in the industry in which it is operating. In this regard, the company has to govern the behaviour of all resources such that there is optimum output in the company’s operations (Simmons & Graff 1998, p.52). This regulation of the resources depends on the accuracy of the assessment of the market by the management. In addition, the management of the company must ...

  • Philosophy essay: philosophy questions answered

    Published under category: Essay Writing Tips | 2014-10-02 14:04:55 UTC

    Context: Philosophy, morality and ethics

    a) Immanuel Kant believes that suicide is morally wrong. How would Kant argue for this position? Explain:

    Immanuel Kant maintains a radical position regarding the act of committing suicide, or even attempting to take one’s own life. To Kant, those who commit suicide or even attempt it are lesser than other human beings. Kant cites the superiority of the human race as the reason for his opposition to suicide. Moreover, human character is superior to that of animals. When one commits suicide, he or she compares human character to that of an animal or an object. Kant says that the well-being of a human being is supreme, thu...

  • Business Ethics: an oxymoron?: An essay

    Published under category: Academic Paper Writing | 2014-09-29 21:36:42 UTC

    Context: Ethics and commercial interests

    An oxymoron is a statement or a rule that presents two contradicting situations regarding one event (Duska 2000, p.115). The purpose of this essay is to investigate principles of business ethics and determine whether the field is an oxymoron. The two principles of business ethics that require a business to maximize profit and at the same time be responsible towards the society are the major focus in this essay. One of the approaches to business ethics is the philosophy of utilitarianism, which advocates for the benefit of the majority at all cost (Mill & Crisp 1998, p.37). Corporate social responsibility and the ethics behind it are ano...

  • Term paper in philosophy and ethics: Joseph Fletcher's Approach to Bioethics, Situation Ethics and Comparison to the Teachings of John Paul 2 in Veritatis Splendor

    Published under category: Writing Ideas | 2014-09-29 21:01:57 UTC

    Context: Philosophy and Ethics

    The classical assumption in the discipline of bioethics is that the field is concerned with the dilemma of determining the most ethically appropriate action in the healthcare setting. However, in the modern times, bioethics has taken a different turn to incorporate broader thinking. Several authorities have sought to change the way contemporary bioethics is approached. Since bioethics has taken a more social dimension, it is evolving into a contentious issue. In fact, bioethics emerged in the American society before spreading to the rest of the world, and eventually getting acceptance among religious groups. All societies and movements tha...

  • Advanced Financial Accounting Essay

    Published under category: Sample Essays | 2014-09-29 20:49:10 UTC

    Context: Business and Finance

    Advanced Financial Accounting Essay 1. The two main qualitative characteristics that financial information should possess have been identified as relevance and reliability. Is one more important than the other, or are they equally important? All financial reports, including General Purpose Financial Reports contain information useful to all parties related to the particular organization. There are several parties that have the right to access financial information of a company. Since the financial position of the company affects the parties in question, the employees, management team, investors, creditors, and even suppliers may requ...

  • Term paper writing with online services

    Published under category: Custom Writing | 2014-09-29 19:36:38 UTC

    Context: Quality essay writing

    Of all college essays and papers, term papers are probably the most important for enumeration of students. For most courses, a term paper carries a significant portion of the total skills evaluated in college and university. High school term papers are also critically important to a student’s grade. For these reasons, term papers should be given the attention they deserve. You have to take time and do research for your term paper. In the modern age, the best sources of research are online libraries. Local physical libraries can also be an important source of information for writing term papers. The underlining rule in doing research for wr...

  • An Essay on Colour and Design and image analysis

    Published under category: Sample Academic Papers | 2014-09-26 18:10:37 UTC

    Context: Picture art and colour design

    Color is important in any image since it conveys different meanings in different color combinations present in an image. The placement of color, its intensity, proximity of different hues, and the shape of the regions that contain certain colors govern the perception of the observer of the image. Different parts of an image convey different pieces of information, which when put together result in one comprehensive and meaningful message. The image displayed is a multicolor image seemingly painted with many colors carefully applied to elicit a certain cognitive reaction from the observer. It is evident that the gestalt laws of color and pe...

  • An essay on the Ebola crisis control

    Published under category: Writing Ideas | 2014-09-09 06:51:50 UTC

    Context: Current affairs

    Ebola hemorrhagic fever 2014 outbreak in west and central Africa is one of the most fatal diseases known to man. While Ebola has been known for some time, the 2014 outbreak has been able to defeat the containment efforts of the international community and local governments. There are several reasons why the disease overtook the resident healthcare systems in the latest outbreaks. Lack of preparedness prior to the outbreak and the slow response of the international community are some of the reasons for the runaway spreading of the disease. The 2014 ebola crisis is not the first fatal outbreak of the disease. However, all other outbreaks ha...

  • A custom essay: Reconsidering the Concept Of DAP

    Published under category: Essay Writing Tips | 2014-09-09 06:46:47 UTC

    Context: Education

    Reconsidering the Concept Of DAP: Politics of Truth; In “Becoming Post Culturally Reflective about Truth” by MacNaughton, the phrase “politics of truth” emerges as a new terminology relating the formal education system and the development of a child. This term focuses on truth in the education of children. The truth in question is the persistent and repetitive discrimination of certain children by the education system. The system refuses to acknowledge that children are different and require different pedagogical approaches for proper and equitable development (MacNaughton, 2005). Contentious Issues After analysing the readings care...

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