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A good presentation: Delivery analysis of Steve Jobs’ speech

A good presentation makes the audience value the conveyed message. For a presentation to be effective, the speaker has to engage the right subjects. In addition, the delivery of the presentation must be made in the right mood and tone for it to be effective. Happy and somber events require different types of presentations. In addition, the subjects discussed at an event should be carefully selected to match the interest of the audience. Gestures employed in delivering the presentation must reflect the attitude of the presenter. Steve Jobs commencement speech at Stanford University in 2005 is an example of a reflective presentation that achieves its objectives. Despite a few flaws, the subject, tone, gestures, and attitude evident in Job’s speech make a significant impact on the audience.

The presentation made by Jobs is appropriate for the occasion. He chooses to reflect on his own attitude towards education and his experiences in college. The subject of a presentation must conform to the nature of the audience (Turk 133). Jobs is addressing graduates at Stanford University, and he must inspire their efforts in succeeding in life. By comparing them to himself, he shows the graduates that they have a better opportunity for success than he had. In his speech, Jobs talks about how one should conduct himself in his endeavors and describes the ideal attitude to difficult situations.  The speech is definitely appropriate for the particular occasion.

The tone and volume of the speech made by Jobs is effective in motivating the graduates to be innovative and adventurous.  There is no standard tone for delivering presentations, but Jobs starts his presentation with humor. He jokes about the fact that he had never attended a graduation before since he never completed college studies.  This is an appropriate tone for the introduction of a presentation (Turk 134).  After the introduction, Jobs continues with the presentation in a serious tone as he conveys his main idea. Moreover, Jobs maintains appropriate tone when describing his achievements. Such modesty keeps a presenter from appearing to have a skewed attitude to the examples given (Verderber 139). However, Jobs employs only a few gestures by raising his head occasionally, which is appropriate since he is reading his presentation.

Although Jobs’ presentation is apparently effective, he shows emotion when describing Microsoft, a company rival to his own. In addition, Jobs includes an emotional critique of his former employee, who he blames for firing him from a company he had founded. Emotional attachment to a speech intended to present reality to the audience is not ideal (YalçÕna & YalçÕna 6). Further, Jobs makes an abrupt conclusion. Were I Jobs’ advisor, I would recommend that he does not emotionally discuss rival entities that disagreed with him in the past or make an abrupt conclusion.

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Steve Jobs presentation at Harvard graduation ceremony is highly effective despite his tendency to be emotional on occasion. Jobs uses a modest tone and a voice just loud enough to capture attention of the audience. Appropriate tone can only be achieved by considering the occasion in which the presentation is made. Since the presentation is a commencement speech, Jobs uses few gestures. In contrast, an informal speech would have allowed for more gesticulation. Generally, the presentation by Steve Jobs at Stanford University is an effective one, and it passes the intended message to the audience.


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