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College fear factor: Is college too much for me?

The article The College Fear Factor written by David Moltz in 2009 is meant to summarize and analyze the namesake work created by Rebecca Cox, professor of education at Seton Hall University (Moltz). Cox interviewed more than 120 community college students in order to analyze the role of students today (Moltz).

dont fear college

The article tells the readers about the increasing gap between the faculty perception of college level coursework and the type of work young people are ready to do (Moltz). The gap evolves anxiety between educators and students and may activate student insecurity, panic and disorder (Moltz). Young people arrive at college without awareness of what is anticipated of them and how to meet those expectations. However, being not ready to correspond expectations is not the same thing as being incapable to correspond them (Moltz). When students fail to ask questions or look for help, an educator can think that the student is not motivated to study (Moltz). According to the article, to enhance learning, institutions should create reliability by revealing proficiency; explain expectations concerning the final aims; and encourage confidence in students’ own abilities (Moltz).

The work written by Cox is quite reliable as she observes numerous dissimilar educators, who have different degrees of success with the students, applying both conventional and creative approaches. Her major concept is that the key to student success is not in the approach to education, but in how it is clarified to students.

According to the article, many educators prefer not to lecture classes and instead choose more collaborative work, asking students to discuss different issues and their works and correcting each other’ papers (Moltz). With regard to this, our educator also prefers us to describe own expectations for English 1302. Coming into the course, I expect that English 1302 will be close to that of the primary English composition course. However, I think that the course will be more thorough and advanced and will make me far more confident in own writing skills. I sincerely hope that our educator will at times involve us in hand-written assignments as the computer grammatical and spell checks have become too common, while the conventional approaches to teaching of English are mostly forgotten. Hence, I fear of excessive usage of computers during the course. At the same time, writing skills are really useful for all professional spheres, hence, I would like to enhance my level of writing, citation of sources, grammar, and punctuation abilities.

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