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Research paper topics on social paradigms

Introduction to Social Paradigm topics that you AgREE with:

Introduction to Social Paradigms: Assignment 4 Questions

  1. List five paradigms you currently belong to (try to be more specific – do not put “human being” or “woman” or “student”)
  1. Study of science courses paradigm, especially medicine and engineering’ where I have a conviction that people should study science courses in college because they are more factual and real than somewhat abstract courses such as philosophy
  2. ‘A protestant Christian denomination superiority paradigm’ where I disvalue other denominations such as Roman Catholic and Anglican churches
  3. ‘Political party paradigm’ where I have a fanatical following of a certain political party and deem it as the only one capable of good governance in my country
  4. ‘A professor’s credentials paradigm’ where I tend to respect lecturers with a pile study credentials (more than 2 degree, masters, and phd programs) as compared to those having one
  5. ‘A hip-hop phobia paradigm’ where I dislike hip-hop music plus hip-hop artists, seeing them as senseless, bizarre, vulgar, and cruel    


  1. List five paradigms you once belonged to but do not belong to any longer
  1. ‘Distaste for meat foods paradigm’ where I did not eat any form of meat because I opposed animal killing, but now I eat meat and see the concept of animal rights differently
  2. ‘Black people race paradigm’ where I believed Africans were a lesser race, although now my perception changed in due course
  3. ‘A social-democrat paradigm’ where I thought social-democracy was superior to republicanism, as well as just and equitable, although now, I prefer the republican manifesto
  4. ‘A football paradigm’ where I disliked the kind of fanaticism in European football, although now I support an English premier league team
  5. ‘My decision is final paradigm’ where I only acted according to my decisions and never took any advice concerning things that got to do with my life, but now I can even seek for advice
  1. List five paradigms you are interested in or curious about but which you know little and never belonged to yourself
  1. The ‘suicide bomber paradigm’ where some people can choose to terminate their lives and the lives of other innocent people
  2. ‘The antigay paradigm’ whether indeed homosexuality is a learned behavior not a genetic characteristic
  3. ‘The Facebook and twitter paradigm’ whether it is fashionable to be a member of these social networks today
  4. ‘The paradigm of cohabitation in relationships’ whether it is ethical for spouses to cohabit or not
  5. The paradigm of whether there is life after death, where I am curious about the existence of heaven or hell if any

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