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How to know trustworthy writing services

Where can I find a trustworthy writer online?

Trustworthy writing services

The number one measure of the trustworthiness of a website for writing papers online is the ability of the writers to avoid plagiarism. A trustworthy writing service has writers who are able to do their research well and write in an original manner that does not put the student’s academic reputation in jeopardy. There are many ways a writer can turn your paper into a bad case of plagiarism. The most common route to arriving at academic dishonesty if a writer that does not have the skills to present an idea in own words. This kind of a writer unwillingly plagiarizes writing and ideas that are well known to belong to other people.  Picture a writer who tries to explain something from Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet sometimes repeating Shakespeare’s words verbatim and without quotes and citation. The writer does not intend to copy in this way, but the paper eventually appears copied.

The second form of plagiarism usually executed by custom writing companies is sale of papers that have already been sold to another customer. This is usually obvious when the papers are too cheap and readily available. How can a 10 page paper be done within 15 minutes while we know that it takes at least 8 hours to type 3000 words? These are some of the clues that a company is not trustworthy. This final form of plagiarism is caused by the irresponsibility of online writing companies and writers in the quality control process. A writer’s plagiarism fault during the writing process should be identified by the company quality control system. However, in some companies, quality control is left to the writer.  In a bid to complete more papers than usual, some writers will copy and paste information from sources into their papers and then attempt to mask it with a few additional words. If the quality control department of the writing website is nonexistent, this paper will eventually be flagged by the academic institution system as plagiarized and the student will be put before a disciplinary panel. It is therefore important to hire writers and companies that have a tight quality control system in order to be confident about its trustworthiness.

Completion of papers on time

We all know that for most courses, a late paper is a failed paper. An exception of a few humane professors and college submission systems allow students more time to complete their paper in order to pass examinations. However, the majority of professors will deduct points and often award 0 points for papers turned in late. It is therefore important for students to look for writers that will do their essays on time in order to take the full advantage of turning the paper in on time. The second scenario is where a writer always does low quality writing and there are many revisions to be done. A student will always submit a paper late when dealing with untrustworthy companies like these. A trustworthy writer will inform the customer that additional time may be needed for papers that are too long to be written too quickly. Again, a trustworthy writing company will make honest estimates of the time and price needed to complete a paper. There are many stories of how ultra cheap writing companies caused failure of many students by overpromising excellent papers for ultra cheap price. In the end, the students end up frustrated and repeating classes. A trustworthy company should keep its word.

Privacy is a measure of trustworthiness

Privacy can be seen from two perspectives. Firstly, it is important for the customer’s identity to be kept private. We often see many companies with mug shots of their customers on their web pages boasting of the positive reviews the customer has given the writing company. Of what use are positive reviews if a customer is harmed by exposure. No customer needs to be exposed. Trustworthy writing services must ensure that no one else apart from the customer knows about the relationship with the company. The second from to privacy is the confidentiality of the paper a customer buys. The business is not trustworthy if a journal article purchased by the customer will later be found floating in some other place on the internet without the customer’s consent. Papers written for the customers need to be stored between the customer and the company. This is the only way to earn the trust of the students.

Being honest with prices

Companies must know how to ask for the correct amount of money before hand. Some untrustworthy writing companies will quote ridiculously low prices just to get the customer to place an order and make an initial deposit. These untrustworthy companies will then begin to blackmail the customer with failure to complete the assignment unless payment for a further humongous fee is done.  We all know that it is normal for customers to underestimate the length of papers and the amount of work needed to complete a paper. However, any additional price billed on a customer should be justified in order for the essay company to be considered trustworthy. A customer should never protest while making payments. This is how you know that the business is trustworthy for sensitive work such as essay writing.

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Good grammar and writing ability

Finally, there is no pleasure in reading an essay written by a person who has never spoken English, but has only practiced writing. Trustworthy writing websites and trustworthy writers make sure that their writing and grammar is as good as is required. In other words, an essay for a high school student needs to look and sound like a high school paper while a PhD thesis proposal needs to sound and look like one. If in high school, a student turns in a paper that involves quantitative methods that have never before been seen or taught by the teacher, the paper is as good as plagiarized because the instructor will realize that grammar is way above the level of the student. Similarly, if a PhD student submits a haphazardly done paper, it will seem that the student is not up to the task of completing PhD studies. Trustworthy companies need to have writers that can turn in trustworthy papers. There is no need to fail because of a simple mismatch of the level of writing.


Our writing help professionals know that some features of academic papers are obvious. For this reason, features such as summaries, title page, reference page, and other small bits are provided for free.

Our company is flexible. Writers adapt to whatever level of professionalism you want. We can make your English native or international.

Students ranging from highschool to Doctoral level can have their essays and custom academic papers done here.