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According to John Holt, it is essential to get the children out of the schools and give them an opportunity to learn about the world in a more interactive manner than sitting in a class environment. However, Holt also concludes that, it is of importance to consider introducing the world of custom writing to the children in the school environment. In some parts of the world, children are lacking access to quality education and being taught by a qualified professional. In providing students with an interactive relationship with the world, individual research interviews and online research provide a medium, which students can apply in identifying with the world in the classroom environment. Therefore, this essay provides a discussion on the roles that the technology plays in education and finding cheap online paper writing company.

Technology research writing has been embraced in the modern society in every aspect of human lives. The topic ‘The Effect of Technology in Education,’ however, focuses on the impact that the evolution of systems and the adoption of technology into the education system has caused to the students (Jain 2). Technology has been in the forefront of inventions, lessening business, and improving the systems in different departments, which prompts the experience of identifying the steps that technology has influenced in education. Prior to conducting the interview, less information about the impact of technology on education was at my disposal. Additionally, the need to know about the impact of technology on education forms the purpose of accomplishing the I-search process. The interviewee was contacted through email, which was identified from my high school website. Since an email does not provide an immediate response from the recipient, it took some time to get a response and arrange for an interview custom written online. The interviewee, teacher Aggie Siu provided information on the effect of technology on the education system. Considering the experience in the use of technology in her class sessions the interview session aimed to provide information on the different effects that technology has influenced in education.

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The custom written  interview session was informative with justifications and ideas that are per the view of a professional in the department.It is apparent that, technology is part of the society in the modern generation with its impact beyond human control. However, integrating technology into the learning and online custom writing process becomes a responsibility of the student to determine the use to which he or she uses the technology. It is a tool to help the student develop in his or her education, but it can also hinder development (Siu 1). On a different perspective, though, technology not only presents students with an interactive way of learning, but also presents teachers with an easier task of providing their students with quality education. Since online custom writing and research tools are a fast way of acquiring information, students benefit from the wide range of information gathered from different sources and combined to make single information. As a result, the students get to appreciate the different perspectives from a single view and broaden their knowledge on ideas and lessons. Technology, however, presents the student with a variety of information that can mislead some of them if they are not properly guided (Felder 1). Therefore, its use might not be for the benefit of every student; that is while a single student benefits from the individual research and internet use, another student is unable to access and comprehend the same information (Siu 1). Teachers have embraced technology that has simplified the teaching process, given a wider reference area, and lessened the work for interacting with each student in the classroom. The interview written online also sought to identify the examples of areas in the education system where the impact of technology has revolutionized the learning process for the student and the teacher. In the contemporary research paper writing environment, students could spend a considerable amount of time locating a word in the dictionary, and identifying other words that might be associated with the word. Teachers, on the other hand, can now project an illustration to enhancing the learning process for their students in the class. Additionally, teachers can create extra time from their routines to prepare for further tasks for consequent lessons by providing their students with assignments through personal emails or the course emails. As a result, even in their absence, the student still has work to help him, or her be at par with their books.

Considering the objective of the online interview custom written process

 The respondent provided details that answer the different perspectives of technology in the education system. It was a conclusive process, which helped provide additional information on other avenues of identifying technological effects in the education system. The questions for the interview, however, did not give an equal response from the respondent. Considering the methods in which the students and teachers use in custom writing, the information provided a better insight at the techniques in which technology is applied in the learning process. From a professional perspective, the interviewee provided detailed information on technology and other avenues through which technology can be of benefit to the student and the teacher.  Getting information on the demerits of technology in the education system was problematic for the interviewee to provide information about. The demerits being a personal view of the interviewee could not be general information considering the view of other teachers in the same department. On the other hand, given a chance to conduct an interview with Mrs. Siu, it will of interest to identify from her own view the changes that can be made to enhance effective education of the students and the changes that will be achieved from these changes. If the same opportunity were to be presented to conduct the same interview, the interviewee of interest would be an IT specialist. Given that they are able to understand the changes that technology in the modern world is to impact in the society, they present a different view of understanding the effect of technology in the development of international students in class work. Questions to ask the IT specialist would be such as, ‘what difference does it make to introduce to high school student the basics of programming compared to when they are taught the same in universities or college?’

The interview responses formed a vital part in the managing of the exercise

 Even so, with additional information from other related articles the subject of discussion was better understood. Online custom research company is a medium that has been a primary source of information for a number of researches done in the past. Search engines provided me with the two articles for custom writing websites including in the search for the effects that technology has on education. Personal research is a challenge to identifying with the information of importance and locating the relevant information that best suits the topic of concern. In his book, Jain talks about the inadequacy and the level of technology for custom paper writing in the school systems that make it hard for students to gain most from their classwork (Jain 2). As Holt advises that the school without online essay writing solution is bad for children, his primary focus is on the inadequacy that even with the changes in technology students are still unable to achieve the objectives of education. On the other hand, MacDonald (1) suggests that excessive use and exposure of a student to a computer harms the students’ development.

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 While the interview provided a professional opinion about the methods through which teachers and students’ have enjoyed the influence of technology in education, the articles provide a wider scope of the adaptation of technology into education and the perception of different views. The interview was a personal effort to identify with the negative effects of technology in custom education research and thesis writing, but the articles not only give the negative influences but also provide a solution to the same. However, the article and the interview present a similarity in the benefits that technology assures teachers and students. However, the interactive interview stimulates supplementary thoughts on the same topic to achieve a better understanding of the topic.


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